- Augustine, Patrick J. Mi’kmaw Relations in Battiste, Marie Living Treaties Cape Breton University Press, Sydney, Nova Scotia 2016 p. 59
- Branch, John Identity Cartoon in Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre Mi’kmawe’l Tan TeliKinemuemk 2015 p. 35
- British Columbia Shared Learnings: Integrating BC Aboriginal Content p. 132
- Cameron, Alex M. Power Without Law: The Supreme Court of Canada, the Marshall Decision and the Failure of Judicial Activism McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, 2009 p. 141
- Carter-Julian, Victor Tables, Talks and Treaties in Battiste, Marie Living Treaties Cape Breton University Press, Sydney, Nova Scotia, 2016
- Joe, Rita and Choyce, Lesley editors The Mi’kmaq Anthology, Pottersfield Press, Nova Scotia, 1997 p. 95
- King, Hayden Anatomy of a First Nations Treaty Television Ontario, Nov. 1, 2016
- Lewis, Roger J. Stop Alton Gas https://stopaltongas.wordpress.com
- Miller, Robert L.; Behrendt, Larissa; Ruru, Jacinta; Lindberg, Tracey Discovering Indigenous Lands: The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies Oxford University Press, 2010 p. 136
- Office of the Treaty Commissioner, Saskatchewan Teaching Treaties in the Classroom August 2008, 928-9
- Perley, Imelda Amsqahs Kishomawotimok Elikotok 1725 unpublished 2021
- Poulette, Pi’kun (Alexander) Frozen Child in Supplementary Materials for Teaching about the Mi’kmaq Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-Kinemuemk 2015 p. 85
- Ray, Arthur J. An Illustrated History of Canada’s Native People McGill-Queen’s University Press Montreal, 2011 p. 383
- Reid, Kevin Aboriginal People – Building for the Future Oxford University Press, 1999 p. 24
- Seeley, Sarah League cracks down on racist remarks Times & Transcript, March 9, 2019
Lesson G – References