- Barsh, Russel The Personality of a Nation in Battiste, Marie Living Treaties, Cape Breton University Press, 2016 p. 117, 123
- Henderson, James (Sa’kej) Youngblood Alexander Denny and the Treaty Imperative in Battiste, Marie Living Treaties, Cape Breton University Press, 2016 pp. 99–101
- King, Hayden Anatomy of a First Nations Treaty TV Ontario Nov. 1, 2016
- Loft, Ange and Jill Carter Dish With One Spoon Wampum from Canadian Art Sovereignty Issue December 3, 2020 https://canadianart.ca/features/how-to-share-stuff/
- Nicholas, Andrea Bear Peskotomuhkati website https://qonaskamkuk.com/peskotomuhkati-nation/
- Palmater, Pamela Indigenous Nationhood Fernwood Publishing, Halifax, 2015 p. 6
- Perley, David. G. Education: Healing and Taking Control in Tim Borlase Handbook on Approaches to Teaching about Treaty Education Grades 3–5 https://treatyeducationresources.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/grade3_handbook_02-2020.pdf
- Poitras, Jacques Supreme Court Ruling Could Help Indigenous People on Maine Border CBC News April 29, 2021
- Saskatchewan Office of the Treaty Commissioner Grade 5 Teaching Treaties in the Classroom 2008 p. 17
Lesson I – References