Materials required: chart copied for class, notebook
In this exercise, students are to complete the following chart by examining the information contained within this chapter on the Indian Act, the Wolastoqey Nation, the Mi’kmaw Grand Council, and the Waponahkiyik (Wabanaki) Confederacy. From what you know, who would have prime responsibility for the following? (You can list more than one, but who would take the lead?) Place your completed chart in your notebook.
- Meeting the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action on Education
- The recent flooding on the St. John River
- The land claims settlement with Madawaska First Nation
- The recent community election in Welamukotuk (Oromocto First Nation)
- The fracking issue at Elsipogtog (L’sipuktuk)
- The Metepenagiag (Metepna’kiaq) First Nation’s Historic Site
- Teaching Wolastoqey or Mi’kmaw languages in schools
- The repatriation of a Wolastoqey canoe at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery
- The annual celebration on St. Anne’s Day on Chapel Island in Nova Scotia
- Pow Wow at Natoaganeg (Natuaqnik) Eel Ground
- National Aboriginal Day (June 21)
- The renaming of the St. John River back to its original name Wolastoq
- Other
Purpose | Function (what government is responsible for) | Structure (how government is organized) | Issues or Events | |
Provincial Government | ||||
Federal Government | ||||
Chief and Council | ||||
Wolastoqey Nation | ||||
Mi’kmaw Grand Council | ||||
Wolastoqey Grand Council | ||||
Waponahkiyik (Wabanaki) Confederacy |

Hand out the activity sheet and assign each community to one person to complete. Also have everyone complete the Your Community section. Click here to download the activity sheet.