- Bear Nicholas, Andrea additional notes provided on the Notes from a grand meeting of the Indians at Menaguashe in the harbour of the River Saint John near Fort Howe on Thursday the 24th of September 1778.
- Cape Breton University Treaty of 1725 https://www.cbu.ca/Indigenous-affairs//unamaki-college/mikmaq-resource-centre/treaties/treaty-of-1725/
- Raymond, Rev. W.O. History of the Saint John River 1905 in Glimpses of the Past Chapter 37 http://novelzec.com/chapter/glimpses_of_the_past/chapter_37
- Government of Canada Peace and Friendship Treaties (1725-1779) https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1360937048903/1544619681681
- Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-Kinemuemk, p.110-111 2015 CD pg.106 Treaty Word Scramble
- Provincial Archives of New Brunswick At a grand meeting of the Indians at Menaguashe in the harbour of the River Saint John near Fort Howe on Thursday on the 24th Sept 1778
- Treaties of 1760-1761 Cape Breton University https://www.cbu.ca/indigenous-affairs/mikmaq-resource-centre/treaties/treaties-of-1760-1761/
- Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1760 Government of Canada Indigenous and Northern Affairs https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100028599/1100100028600
- Whitehead, Ruth Holmes The Old Man Told Us Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, 1991, p.27
Lesson G – References