- Brynjolson, Rhian Art and Illustration for the Classroom Peguis Publishing, Winnipeg, 1998, p.149-151
- Cuthbertson, Brian Stubborn Resistance Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, 2015, p.4-5
- Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-Kinemuemk 2015, p.106-107
- Richardson, Boyce Drum Beat- Anger and Renewal in Indian Country Summerhill Press, 1989, p.73
- Saint Croix Island International Historic Site Teacher’s Guide Passamaquoddy History and Culture Grades 5-8 US National Park Service, Abbe Museum, Bar Harbour, 2005
- Wheelock, Edward Penhallow’s Indian Wars Boston, 1924 https://archive.org/stream/penhallowsindian00penh#page/n7/mode/2up
- Whitehead, Ruth Holmes The Old Man Told Us Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, 1991, p.141