Materials required: blackline master, envelopes
To familiarize students with the idea of a treaty, begin with a word scramble. Cut up each definition on the blackline master into single words and place them in an envelope so that each group has one copy of the definition. Then give the envelopes to the groups and ask them to reassemble the words into a phrase. The process of putting the words back into the correct order gives students time to think about what the words mean and raises other ideas and experiences related to them. The teacher monitors the groups and assists as necessary. Teachers need to watch out for groups who will think they have it but may need to rearrange a word or two.
Use this activity to provide time to learn, discuss, and stretch student understanding of the new vocabulary. Using the Mi’kmaw or Wolastoqey language app, assign each student a word in Mi’kmaw or Wolastoqey Latuwewakon and have the group read the entire statement aloud.
Ankukumkewey na elwi’tmaqn ujit Kmitkinu’l. Kisi-wisuna’tasikl wi’katiknn ta’n amujpa majulkwatikl msɨt tamiaw.
A treaty is an agreement among nations. It is a signed document binding by international law.
Kci Lakutuwakon nit mawuhkahticik kishomawotihtit. Psiw ote nuliwiw ktahkomikuk wolamsotasu eli Kcipahk tpaskuwakon tanci wikhikonahasik.

Click here to download and print a copy of Activity 2 – Word Scramble.