Following up on the core activity, create a real agreement between “Teacherland” and the “Class” that will be in effect for a specific amount of time. The agreement could also take the form of a wampum design. Examples for the “treaty” might include:
- Extra computer or other free time for all students if students complete given assignments.
- If students are cooperative and responsible, the teacher will let the students choose the activity for one period on one day. An example is “Friday Fun – an art class or extra gym time”.
- Negotiating a treaty for allowing the use of electronic devices.
In keeping with the theme of this unit The First Treaty is with Our Earth Mother, make a treaty with your class and the school or the community about what you are prepared to do about:
- Classroom garbage
- What you bring for lunch
- Bullying
Design a treaty signing of peace and friendship. What might it include? It is based on the concept of, “if you live up to your responsibility, I’ll live up to mine.” You can include:
- An exchange of gifts or a handshake to mark your agreement.
- The election of leaders, encouraging students to think about what qualities are important to them in a treaty-making process. Help students to understand that in Activity 1, the teacher selected with whom she was going to negotiate with. In this lesson, talk about the qualities of who would make a good leader. Ask students how they will decide who to select.
Make sure this activity is conducted sincerely. Remember treaties are sacred.